Koç University, Mathematics Seminar

Date & Time: Tuesday, December 13, 16:00-17:00

Place: SCI 103


Speaker:  Ümit Işlak, Boğaziçi University


Title: Asymptotics of non-uniform recursive trees 


Abstract: The purpose of this talk is to give an introduction to the theory of random recursive trees, and to discuss some recent results on their asymptotics. The theory for uniform recursive trees (where each possible tree is equally likely to occur) is well-established, and therefore our main goal will be to introduce and study non-uniform recursive tree constructions. The statistics to be analyzed include the number of branches, the number of nodes with a given number of descendants and the distances between two given nodes.  (This is joint work with Serdar Altok and Ella Hiesmayr)



Speaker's Brief Biography: Ümit Işlak got his PhD from University of Southern California in 2014 on Applied Mathematics. He had postdoc positions at the University of Minnesota and Georgia Institute of Technology in following two years. Currently, he is an assistant professor at Boğaziçi University. His research is on probability theory and related fields.