Sample Arguments

Example 1

The Democratic Party's new commission to promote family values will cost the taxpayer an estimated $10 million.  Such a waste of the tax-payer's money could be more easily justified were it not for the President's shameful treatment of his own wife and family.  In the light of the Zippergate scandal, it is ridiculous to support the activities of the family values commission.

Conclusion/Main Point: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

Example 2

The first reported cases of AIDS were among members of the gay community in San Francisco.  It was only much later that cases were noticed among heterosexuals.  It is therefore clear that AIDS is primarily a gay disease.

Main Argument: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

Example 3

A recent Green Peace report indicates that the number of diseased fish in the Mediterranean has increased dramatically over the last ten years. It is obvious that the international community must introduce strict regulations to control the dumping of industrial waste into the sea.

Main Argument: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

Example 4

The choice is clear for the world's developing countries; either they adopt liberal democracy or their economies will continue to suffer.

Main Argument: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

Example 5

The reaction of the American public to the Monica Lweinsky scandal is clear evidence that moral standards have not declined.

Main Argument: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

Example 6

The achievement of a ceasefire in Northern Ireland should give a clear message to the Turkish government.  Had the British government not maintained its policy of non negotiation with the IRA, it is doubtful that the peace process would have produced such a result.  The Turkish government should not, then, consider negotiating with the PKK.  Any such negotiation would simply delay the chances of achieving a peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem.

Main Argument: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

Example 7

It is clear that the American economy is not in decline.  America is as economically strong as it ever was.

Main Argument: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

Example 8

While positive discrimination towards women may have been valid and perhaps even necessary in the 1970s, it is no longer needed.  The position of women has changed in the last two decades.  It is now time that we judged people on what they can do and not on their gender.

Main Argument: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

Example 9

Istanbul's housing problem could be easily solved by introducing strict regulations to control migration to the city.

Main Argument: ________________________________________________________

Supporting Points:     i) ___________________________________________________


What is wrong with the argument?

                    Glossary of Terms used in arguments         Introduction to Argumentation        

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