Things students have said but probably didn’t mean to say:


  • ‘I think abortion is not a very important concept to analyse in the lecture in depth since I have never ever thought of the ethical purpose of abortion before.’
  • (In abortion)...’you end a life of a baby.   However, I am in favor of abortion...I am very much in favour of euthanasia...NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO KILL ANYONE’ (CP)
  • ‘In Turkey judicial system is not working properly so capital punishment is needed.’
  • ‘I strongly agree that animals should have their right for living...we are also need them for nutrition...’
  • I am against suicide because life is worth living. Euthanasia may be a kind of suicide but people at that position should have the right to decide whether to suffer or not.’
  • ‘I strongly against suicide because this is not necessary.’
  • Censorship: ‘I against to this word.’
  • I believe that abortions must take place.
  • ‘You have to be interested in capital punishment if you live in Turkey.’
  • ‘Animal rights is a case that everyone must be interested in.’

  • ‘Drugs must be legal.’
  • However, I do not approve the suicide because of my religious belief...(but does approve of other practices eg. abortion despite religious beliefs).
  • If the ill person wants to end his/her life, other people should obey this decision.  Sometimes death is better than living in pain... People should not commit suicide because hope never vanishes.
  • ‘I believe that abortion is morally justifable because a woman should have the right to choose to give birth to her baby or not.’
  • ‘I think capital punishment is wrong...It is morally justifiable I think because the guilty kill another person so he can be killed... killing people is always a bad thing...’
  • ‘According to me, abortion and murdering are same...everybody is free whatever she wants to do to her baby.’
  • ‘I don’t have a big interest about it because I can’t decide which way is right to follow.’
  • ‘No revolution can happen without violence, this is a general truth, because of this, I don’t like talking about that case.’
  • ‘Of course people are free to do what they want...’
  • Sometimes abortion is a necessity for being happy.
  • ‘Nobody has a right to interfer humans freedom.’
  • ‘It is their decision and abortion doesn’t affect someone else.’
  • ‘I think abortion is essential and logical if it is necessary.’
  • ‘I stated above censorship is a good thing when it is done in some conditions but it it not morally justifiable at all.’
  • ‘I think euthanasia is acceptable because people can give his own decisions about to live or die.  So that, it is our own life and it is true to give our own decisions in this life...(Suicide) is not justifiable.’
  • ‘Being hundred percent guilty is the only criteria to look for in order to held execution in my opinion.’


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